Of course I'm belaboring the point, but that is the point.
The minute the proposal is proposed and the diamond slipped on her finger we must start preparing for our big day.

It's at this instant when I feel we have the most influence over our daughters. They're still floating on their "I'm about to be a bride cloud" and are not completely compos mentis. Now is the time we push for time.
Moments after she says "yes" to her beloved we must encourage her, with all our highly developed negotiating skills, to consider a two-year engagement. It's not unheard of. O.K. minimum one year. We need every minute to shape-up, make-up and dress-up before all eyes are on us as we take that grand, slow stroll down the aisle.
Let's face it, the awful truth, we're significantly -- without getting into complicated higher math here -- older than we were on our wedding day (or days in my case). Consequently we have a lot of work to do and I'm not talking about addressing envelopes and tasting cupcakes.
We want to look stunning in every way for a myriad of reasons
not the least of which can include: ex-husbands, ex-wives of
ex-husbands, new girlfriends of ex-husbands, ex-husband's children, friends and relatives we haven't seen in 10 to 25 years and of course those non-stop photo ops.

I had nine months to prepare. The proposal was on December 31, the wedding on September 6th and as I look at the pictures I could have used another six months to get ready. Note to self: The camera really does add 10 pounds.
Every minute counts and believe me our personal to-do lists are significantly more complicated and protracted than any of our official responsibilities. Think about it, how long does it take to lose 25 pounds for example? You get my point.
(The calendar above comes from printablecalendars.com so you too can create your own timeline for your big day, i.e. spa appointments, hair colorings, exercise classes, yoga classes, Pilates classes, make-up lessons, etc., etc. Do not leave one square unfilled.)
Tish! You were drop-dead stunning on Andrea's wedding day, and I meant it when I said that you looked even better than you did when I last saw you at graduation! As I grow older (along with Andrea) and weird, undesirable, new things start happening to my body (which will go unmentioned here), I am ever impressed with women of your generation who somehow manage to not only look, but really *be*, amazing, confident, gracefu,l and gutsy. Hooray to aging - thanks to your hilarous (and helpful) blog, I'm starting to look forward to it (sort of...)! -- Cathy
Dear Cathy,
You are adorable. Thank you, thank you. You were beautiful in red -- see, I remember.
Take your time getting to my age, think of all the gorgeous sleeveless and strapless dresses you can still wear and all the creams you don't need.
xo, Tish
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